Anju Christina Coaching
Coaching Service

Coaching Service

Are you ready to make the changes that will bring you success?

I am dedicated to empowering individuals and organisations to achieve their specific goals. I offer one-to-one coaching, initially for six weeks, providing you with a safe, non-judgemental space to explore and move forward.


I specialise in coaching women in leadership and private coaching. Taking a whole-person approach, I will help you focus on your unique requirements and support you as you navigate the road to the realisation your goals.

Would you like to:

  • Be more effective as a leader or manager?
  • Achieve your personal, professional or organisational goals?
  • Be more confident in your role?
  • Manage performance anxiety or exam nerves?
  • Improve your time management?
  • Improve your communication skills?
  • Find solutions to problems that seem to be unsolvable?
  • Focus on your priorities?
  • Improve team productivity?
  • Develop your emotional intelligence?
  • Follow your personal or professional aspirations?
  • Transition to a happy retirement?
  • Improve your work/life balance?


I have helped:

  • Women develop self-belief and self-esteem, find freedom and get back on the path of their choosing.
  • HR leads develop a whole organisation career framework, negotiate salaries, challenge appropriately and manage equality and diversity in the workplace.
  • Business owners/leaders transition into retirement considering succession planning and developing their people.
  • NHS managers develop confidence in their public speaking and leadership skills.
  • Retirees transition to their new chapter and prioritise the things that make them come alive.
  • Church pastors achieve a work life balance.
  • Worship leaders to develop their skills and confidence to lead worship.
  • Students to manage anxiety and pass exams.
  • Individuals develop self-belief and confidence, changing the narrative.

Why Choose Me:

  • I am dedicated to your success and will provide support throughout your journey.
  • My experience and training ensure you receive the highest quality coaching.
  • I have a proven track record of helping clients reach their goals.
  • I offer a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore, learn, and grow.

Let’s Connect:

If you’re ready to take the next step towards a more fulfilling chapter in your personal, professional or organisational life, I invite you use this link to get in touch with me to book a 20 minute discovery call. We can explore your goals, challenges, and how I can help you.